I am a

Francesco Sottile

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Who Am I About Me

“Don’t worry about what anybody else is doing … The best way to predict the future is to invent it.”
Alan Kay in 1971, (researcher and visionary)

IT Consultant Francesco Sottile

I am Francesco

Hi, I am an IT Software Engineer based in Heidelberg (Germany).
People define me as a seasoned, decisive, action-oriented and result-focused Project Manager and IT Software Engineer.

With over 20 years experience in research and IT industry I have had the fortune to work for some well-known research institutions and companies on exciting, innovative complex projects.

In 2018 my expertise has been recognized by the European Commission by including me in its trusted group of IT Technical Expert advisors. At the moment I work for SAP as Senior Consultant and, in addition, I enjoy offering my expertise also to selected other companies.

Nationality: Italian
Age: 46 years old
Experience: 20+ years
Email: francesco@studiosottile.com
Years of Experience
Happy Clients
Projects Completed
Current Projects

What I Do Services

I have a full set of knowledge and technical, professional and social skills making me the perfect candidate for driving complex IT and web-based projects.
If you need a ‘man of action’ who gets things done, I will be happy to meet you virtually to discuss how my skills can be of value to you.

Feasibility Study

Analysis of economic, technical, legal, and scheduling resources.

Technical Specification

Technical requirements, resources, standards, regulations, constraints and variants.

Solution Design

Infrastructure, IaaS, SaaS, PaaS and integration design.

Agile Software Development

Full Stack, back-end and front-end software development.

Drupal Development

New site development, existing sites support and improvements.

Wordpress Development

New site development, existing sites support and improvements.


Unit, Integration, functional, acceptance, end-to-end, performance, smoke, accessibility, load testing.

Migration & Integration

From Drupal to Wordpress, from legacy to new solutions, systems and software integration.

Maintenance & Business Continuity

Business continuity, disaster recovery, continuous improvements.

Technical Review

Party-appointed technical reviews, expert witness.

Technical Auditing

Party-appointed technical auditing for SEO, security, IT requirements, EU compliance.

Project Management

Agile, ITIL, Prince2, risk, incident and problem management.


Search engine optimisation, marketing, PPC, indexing, listing, local SEO, SEM campaign.

Monitoring & Alerting

Google Analytics, system maintenance, JIT security patching, vulnerabilities check, monitoring.

EU Legal Compliance

Web accessibility, EU GDPR, cookie policy, impressum.

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Requirement analysis, technical specification, reviews, feasibility.


Data analysis, systems and technology integration.

Solution Design

Data driven design, design patterns, full life-cycle design.


Multi-project and programme coordination, change & control management, risk assessments, budget management, outsourcing and partnerships.

Information Management

Semantic, text mining, metadata management, taxonomy and ontology, content, document and knowledge management.

Problem Solving

Negotiation, problem solving, highly informed decision-making, project and quality assurance, responsive stakeholders communication.

Business Development

Market and business development, public tenders, funding, lobbying.

Mentoring and Leading

Technical training, team building, mentoring & leadership.

EU Compliance and Quality

EU legal compliance, quality assurance, auditing.

More about me?

Let's have a virtual meeting.

Your next project?

We can innovate together.

My Education, Experience AND SKILLS Resume


  • Master in Software Engineering


    Blenkinge Institute Of Technology - Sweden

  • BSc (Honours) Information Technology and Computing


    Open University - Walton Hall - Milton Keynes – United Kingdom

  • Diploma in Computing


    Open University - Walton Hall - Milton Keynes – United Kingdom

  • Diploma in Information and Communication Technology


    Technical Institute “G. Giorgi”, Brindisi (Italy)


  • SAP

    Since 2016

    Senior IT consultant, infrastructure coordinator and problem manager for BTP (SAP Business Technology Platform).

  • NEC Europe

    2014 - 2016

    Lead project manager – senior software engineer.

  • SG

    2010 - 2014

    CTO, lead software engineer.

  • EMBL (European Molecular Biology Laboratory)

    2004 - 2010

    Project manager and lead web architect.

Drupal 95%
Wordpress 90%
HTML 5 95%
CSS 3 85%
PHP 95%
Javascript 90%
Java 80%
Zend Framework 75%
JQuery 85%
EXTJ JS Framework 65%
Agile Project Management 90%
ITIL Project Management 70%
DEVOPS Engineering 70%
Cloud Development (AWS, AZURE, GCP, OVH) 70%
Cloud Foundry 90%
Open Stack 65%


I prefer to have a small selection (up to 4) of rather long-term projects (minimum 3 months long each) to better tailor my free time (and my subcontractors availability). With few concurrent projects I can guarantee all deadlines, full success and satisfaction of my clients.
Currently, I am focusing on the following projects.

Web Radio Infrastructure development for Radio Germania

Lead Web Engineer

Progress: 35%
One spot available
Progress: 30%

IT Quality Supervisor

Progress: 15%

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